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tv   RT News  PBS  April 1, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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. nature suspend all practical cooperation with moscow in forming the ukrainian crisis. this is political garlic and continue what draws up plans to deploy more troops on russia's borders loss. but to be a symbol of hope is now falling apart. too many areas look something like this. auntie tracks the baby was delivered was wounded in afghanistan as we begin our special coverage of the presidential election that. but the time about his pledge to make as bloody as possible. it is brought into the greek economy as the euro
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zone signs all along the way to learn that this little relief for business and is still struggling the oldest city all the policies that i'm insane drops of warm to come back and ridges of the siberian winter. the list the eye. stupid rules. this is ok to mess with the trip grounds that day. mckay says it's freaking practical cooperation with russia but the military and civilian it's irresponsible beagle cool small screws alec station on crime in a multiple choice people i've now with more summary of what exactly is the non same. well falling on the history of meeting on tuesday media released a statement announcing the suspension of
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all civilian and military cooperation hot with rice and for more than a decade russia and nato have been quiet reading on crucial security issues such as fighting terrorism and drug trafficking and also ideally not cooperating with disarmament and out stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction clearly had the pain of operating a lot of the issues. also during the us war in afghanistan russia has also played an instrumental role by facilitating layer of land and air transfers of a put names to me to lead him into national security force in afghanistan right now the western alliance is calling on moscow to reduce its number in crimea to pre crisis levels and cheaper military activities along russia's border with ukraine in the meantime i need those statements as that guy. it's been lesions with moscow will be limited to diplomatic dialogue. we have decided to
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suspend old practical civilian and military cop ration between eight and russia. our political dialogue and an aid to russia council can continue as necessary the indices oreo level and above. to allow us to exchange views. first and foremost on the crisis however following that invests in this euro meeting that nato secretary general anders trust me it was nice and backtracked on the whole suspension. they are the very least he confused just about everyone because he's sad that he'll actually expects bright side to continue working with the lions on important issues. i would eat sticks to it. they come to the clerk what extent prague aches at two to continue. i would also expects that the afghanistan relate its incorporation card it said true to continue. and that the trend seed arrangements as well as the head a cropped
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up projects or so because we have a joint interest in ensuring success of our mission in afghanistan. so it's not very clear what the suspension really means because as it turns out nato wants to punish russia but also expects of moscow to cooperate when i eat requested by ei the western alliance so it's not very clear white media alive means that saying that it's suspending all eyes civil and military cooperation with russia and in addition to boulder this mean that nate is now saying it wants to increase its the corporation minutes parity with ukraine's say what can we expect to happen. that's right we can expect to see an increasing cooperation as you just mentioned that this is something that nato officials have been hobbling same for the past few weeks and according to reports of korea's foreign minister has asked nato to provide you
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with radars and other technical and military equipment now the official hype is currently the team when you buy ei by the western bloc in the meantime i did a go says he will be implementing immediate and longer term measures to strengthen ukraine's security. i'm not also conduct as there is about to be a joint military drills taking place between a billing you create great on russia's borders but not as we've been reporting guy in the past and currently eyeing the nose of continual encroachment by surrounding rock steady nothing new it's been going on for the past few decades in for more on that story we turn the rt sky the government. to me to step back. the us is raising the alarm over russia conducting a live tree exercises on its own territory i raised with the prime minister. our strong concern about these forces. i knew was getting
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its own transport ships and ideas are on the world but drills and east europe right on russia's doorstep referendum in crimea that saw the region joined the shack is now touted as a reason to bolster needle. we do. more to ensure that the regular nato presence. up among some of these states that may feel vulnerable. is executed that it stated that the motivating force behind the movies to guarantee europe's security the security. creating more expectations for easter and more the contrast between what the us as a whip made of dust became most obvious in the nineteen nineties when the millet realign started extending eastwards. despite a promise given to moscow before the collapse of the soviet union. we are ready now to the sudanese army i'd say the german tuner tree gives the soviet union the firm security guarantee fast for twenty four years
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the accession of eastern european countries in nato was one of the greatest success stories of our time but the task is not yet complete. in nineteen ninety when the commitment was made to moscow not to expand sixteen nations were part of nato. later twelve more joint all of them got it close to the russian front here. more members could be underway we're talking about the stench of global military one who can strike anywhere that happens. at a moment's notice and can overwhelm other nations in the military superiority which is on each count. the reason is they want to say that sort of. i'm jealous military's brutal and the ability to deploy into employment after the us offered a helping hand to putting new government and shia. crying is not holding talks with the knowledge that lines in brussels. although officials maintain its joining nato is not a priority for the country which is due to time for all of us to stand with your opinion people in support of
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their territorial integrity saw. we are doing. in response to the us in its allies calling the chicken breasts are a joke emerged on social media and in which a fracture encircled by a nato base is saying russia wants war. look how close they put their country to hour basis on a more serious note they do to your crush is so balanced with others. some selections from to. that it will feel comfortable in the picture. in washington when forests and nature in its air force you are a foreigner in march. sixty five years ago. well they signed the north atlantic treaty in this building in the us capital. the military alliance was designed to counter the threat of the soviet union. the sec to secure when the soviet union collapsed but instead of winding down operations in the bill to expand the moving
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closer and closer to russia's borders. so should come as no surprise that led to no longer believes us claims about nato schools and plans for the future. in washington i'm getting checked out our tea. just on the keys to get a trip to the executive intelligence review magazine he says there was a plea to push want us to make it they tend to surround russia. life is good. on the indie movie in a tent. it is to create a greater and greater use of government of russia by moving nato forces. i tend to leave in countries that are for our republic's of the soviet union the region a remit to the age range missile defence system against threats from iran and other places has broken down and now you have a new and the us nato military. missile defense system the brewers of
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russia in fact right on the black sea in romania well nature itself is good for a change of leadership but the former norwegian prime minister set to become its new secretary general is a mobile coffee go home to find out more about the matter with the loss about what the sixty fifth anniversary enjoy this special coverage on friday and. asia what insurgency terrorism or less than savory collection tactics. the us is hoping afghanistan's presidential vote was still a new era for the country today that seems a very ambitious goal coordinate troubled government is heavily controlled by
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the white house on paper the money is to rebuild the country and improve infrastructure off to the us led invasion in practice the ptc come over for much of it is i decide to engulf all wasted. i think of more than two billion dollars on road and highway construction here in afghanistan the project was to be a symbol of hope is now falling apart and to many areas look something like this. now we have here in kabul the country more than ten thousand miles of roads and highways constructed by western donors have fallen apart because of open teams others have been shredded by explosives laid down by insurgents. what's more the afghan government if i'm able to maintain even a fraction of what's been constructed since two thousand to one. sierra america's longest war will officially come to an end since the start of combat operations the less than twelve hundred billion dollars to help rebuild afghanistan. if the projects were well intentioned and
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some certainly did help improve lives. much of that spending has helped fuel consumption and waste a lot of the money has disappeared unaccounted for. the two hospitals constructed the international community needed to look instead for afghanistan to one another case of the book to see just what the money has gone. at least one u s funded hospital in afghanistan taiwan province cost taxpayers six hundred thousand dollars but it was so poorly constructed the doctors have been forced to wash into the country to the river water with mold and mildew throughout the facility barely any equipment and just electricity to power a handful of light bulbs literacy is vital to any modern military or police force the eu last classes with basic training of afghan soldiers. the program was meant to ensure all new boots were able to count write their own name. but despite two hundred million dollars
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spent on the program more than half of afghan forces remain illiterate. the martha military headquarters the size of two football fields and no one left to use it in helmand province the defense department spent thirty four million dollars on a building that comes with all the schools too late to a modern war. a vast operation center with tiered seating a briefing here. the western forces have been busy packing up and withdrawing from the area. the facility i've never been occupied and will likely be going down without ever having been the easiest know what sort of strategy in afghanistan alike have a week of spending more money more and bigger and quicker projects the so called civilian surge to win hearts and minds. much of the standings in the fields of option arm of the country heavily dependent on foreign aid. leading many here wondering what will happen to their country. the westerners and their dollars go home the party in kabul for aunty
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lucy. benjamin just four days away that alabama stripped of its own claim to power bomb presidential candidate has already been kidnapped by militants in the country's election hq was stillborn isn't this last week to mischief and steal from the gaudy newspaper says he is admitted to operations of dumb little to break the taliban's result. it will be commanded to be some loss of character to the taliban off to twenty fourteen and the outcomes that it was taking a cue. toll of death and injury the last few weeks months. very very high levels of calcutta much more. make it so suffering. so that's good indication. a ban on hunting hard stool and fifty consecutive posts that are just not able to do with. it is the connection is set for the fifth of april and will become remember it extensively for the course policy capital is that i will bring you a series of reports on the future of afghanistan
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and help this great nation. i hold the line. on the boat in other democratic and tolerant where's the new places for humans to live the whispering to protocol. the first leg of a journey into siberia but it's a surprising source of warmth and openness of the locals. ai ai. i do the i began looking into three periods in the intense cold
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the visit to a small business name only. yet he is the air is hot and humid for this region on. yep my thirty five is considered a mild winter day. lenny walls of the mighty deeds of sequences in the niche and dressing up for the occasion. it was a five degrees outside said great to just one of the need to beat if i'm not taking any confidence that i will always be on. layer on top or maybe something today and on top of the act. it's bubbling. it could force the anti incumbent rights to only little streets and isn't it. not to the warm welcome from our hands and the dnc changes on. the in
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the atl anyone can see a one way to keep long as he gets tricky. and that's how i tune in iraq he's going to the game and sizes he's the least nothing that we could throw in a statement hailey was a daily topic that each of the troops after the incident is taking musical instruments out to them the law moved on to win tonight and enjoys trying to get the music is central to the knights. basically the music is another question while nearing the end the ajc the farmhouse. what i got a shot of this mountain of combos i was eager to try milking account the main being mowed down the experienced almost perfect. well i think . i didn't think i'll be able to
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do it but i did nth time not from a siberian husky dog from the list of things. we experienced some of the week i am not seek a sled rides not next month. that of the house. and these two men ninety eight in the thigh area how we talking about the bad seed who called sent a team of frozen fish all the local delicacies one and if people said i mean come on what they are on a beautiful decorated table of food and danica fever on the following people. you can buy from siberia walk and in the remote and he should hasten to the downside here is diamonds making all the way from annoying to happy moments ago that said torres. that must overcome this out onto the national jihadists rebels seize the series telecast of losing
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homes and forcing thousands of armenians to flee. find out why some of living in a protection for these so that some of the stories of the break. the air. the rules are going to get a jump in
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anytime you want. i eye. i am norm is trying to re take the time it is not often jihadists the state forcing thousands of ethnic armenians too bad in manhattan. to be good for me this is already thursday un security council to discuss the time to reportedly paid up to bt civilian lives. the missile has led to an international outcry with some accusing techie being behind the attack is something
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incredible and i miss you manage to skate missiles have been given shelter in the neighboring town of the time. many families were forced to leave so quickly they left the whole lies behind three minutes to speak to some of you. with david. i have two children and my husband bless his and he would join hands and prayed nothing from him. i don't know any. think of multiple bombings taunted in the morning. we struggle to save the sun really laying on the ground because of the heavy going. the boy and he just escaped. we can take nothing from him. keep going bring on the news. my wife is due to the medical school the us. we just left with more money we were at him nana. techies reported involvement in the recent additions to this video is unquestionable fairies. but what team destroyed the sole truth from fulham conflicting reports of the fall of ks out of an armenian christian shrine in
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syria. did this so called free syrian army rebels who took the town approach to turkey. video evidence on conditions in the town is proving plain wrong the worst and inconclusive at best the apathy of the song to sob did spark a wave of concern on twitter. share you can contact you. both of armenian descent were among those voicing their concerns read up on the safety stop campaign. the struggle for syrian border turkish control of our team got home eurozone is funny signed off on a limb to greece with more than eight billion units comes just in the nick of time to settle bust leaving debts but the glimmer of good news is filled to make at least one struggling henderson happy looking for information. the cornea. it's been a reason and forty lb an apple crisp fall day show in central athens. since the un is almost how his price is the number of his clients has almost doubled in the us. i need to work to stay afloat i need to live with my customer gets his head once
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in three months instead of every month as it was before the crisis. i was sixty percent of my income. with this software work more to be fairness much monies are used to make before the crisis six years of economic recession increased people's incomes have been trained in their pockets for bones and teeth. now we're in to conquer every penny. it comes to you from patrol police and many of my friends also due to save a couple purist. no maybe when i'm all is fine later i may have problems have to prepare for the worst well we feel and the decline has his money to make an appointment for the next day because it's to your esteemed president intended the political system and all the political system is to blame. it's corrupted in the vanilla dozens of this situation. a certain measures to save us. until that country even deeper and deeper into crisis. address
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is a great retiree. he worked for the state for decades an expected to get attention of thirteen hundred euros a month. instead he only gets one. he also prefers to come back tomorrow. many things efficiently. with a good seller. and they ate way too huge the weekend. no work well for us both going close a subpoena to be shared by many beliefs that the belief that the current situation could deteriorate even further. the shop and the great capital and just want a growing trend today many entrepreneurs result a special office to attract more clients all in this case is to keep the number of customers at the same level if faced with economic situation in the country home the deteriorating. some may feel it tomorrow. many greeks will not be able to manage
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given base. all shot scene from athens the world news in brief email drug use in turkey a half of what the captain of thousands of kisses to the capital supreme election council demonstrators was revealed local election results with soul. prime minister. he would never be free. this lead the resistance is heresy to the official count. it says a report from the back barring no record of thirteen people including intimate images to life in prison if found guilty be tempted to leave the police the ekg caught in an illegal protest to use again. some insist they were forced to confess to torture. dull issues from the european foreign organization for human rights to the west is purposely ignoring what is happening especially now with the formula one event taking place in the eye and am still
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in line. i chewed on one. in the basic rights of human rights the continuous debut even so i applied for the next day. these are to blame the double standard it's not the only one of the week. the thing was the regions of the season sexy thus the human rights violations. we can interact in oman. there was a nice human will produce health announcement on max's face he discussed how some really old school gadgets can help deal with corrupt bankers. that's the advertiser poll of the school break. i know. a
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it is. it is. chew . a less
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welcome to the gentle coming to life from the field when it was aware of dr thomas great to have you with us coming up on this progress the greatest threat to european security in a generation. that's what made as she calls the russian troops on the fence border the ci is under the microscope of her reported the washington post says the organization and lied about interrogation methods use of alleged terror suspects the death toll the outbreak of the beloved kitty rises


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